As reported by The Shade Room, Wiz Khalifa shared footage of his new look via Instagram Stories on Wednesday June 2nd. The clip shows Khalifa sitting while doing his make-up, which consists of a pointed beard. Another photo also shows him wearing a ‘Fro wig, along with a red leather shit, a white hat and aviator glasses.
And as expected, Khalifa fans wasted no time poking fun at his fake beard. “He looks like Abraham Lincoln,” wrote a fan under The Shade Room’s post. “He actually looks like a completely different person,” emphasized someone. Another fan even suggested that Khalifa might be planning his big escape. “All he needs is a new passport. Mission complete.”
Judging by his recent Instagram posts, the look was temporary, so it’s fair to assume it was a new music video or movie. Whatever it is, we’ll watch it!
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