Will Cincinnati Kroger employees raise salaries?

Greater Cincinnati, Dayton and Northern Kentucky Kroger employees have signed a new five-year deal with a downtown supermarket chain.

The agreement, which covers 20,000 workers living in the region, was ratified on Tuesday, Kroger and the regional branch of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union said in a joint statement. The contract covers more than 100 stores in the region.

Under the terms of the contract, Kroger will be spending $ 159 million on raises over the next five years. Hourly wages for some employees will increase by $ 4.78 over the next five years, depending on their level and hiring date.

Towards the end of the contract, the average hourly hourly wage for local employees will be approximately $ 20 an hour before medical and retirement benefits are deducted.

“After a year of uncertainty and suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic, UFCW Local 75 is pleased to have signed a five-year contract with Kroger to ensure the safety and stability of its members.” Kevin Garvey, President of Union Local 75, said. The addition of the agreement improves the wording of the contract and provides affordable medical care.

Local Kroger officials said they worked well together on launching a new deal.

“This agreement is the result of thoughtful and productive work by the company and the union negotiating committee,” said Scott Hayes, president of Kroger’s Cincinnati Dayton division, in a statement.

For the latest information on Kroger, P&G, Fifth Third Bank, and Cincinnati businesses, please visit: @alexcoolidge on Twitter.

Will Cincinnati Kroger employees raise salaries?

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