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The strangest part is that Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, who was kind of helpless and was holding an election in Ohio on the gerrymandering partisan map for the next four years, had a choice. Act like it isn’t there. After all, he’s the only governor.
It’s a ridiculous position. A map was proposed to the commission showing the political division of Ohio from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party. This is the average of 16 state party elections and directly reflects the distribution of Ohio registered voters from 1.9 million to 1.6 million Republicans in Democrats. The majority of registered voters, 4.5 million, are independent.
Instead, according to their numbers, Republican leaders had a larger majority in the House of Representatives with 62 to 37 Democrats and in the Senate with 23 to 10 seats. Dave’s constituency change app projects a majority of 65-seat Republicans into the House of Representatives. This is called fraud.
5-2 Dewin elected Ohio as one of seven members of the Republican Democratic District Committee. Republican Secretary of State Frank Larose, Ohio Auditor Keith Faber, House Speaker Matt Huffman, House Speaker Bob Cup and two Democrats, House Speaker Emilia Sykes and State Senator Vernon Sykes.
The board of directors of Huffman and Cup was tasked with drawing the borough of the factions they led. This is like a conflict in that, in its expression, it wants precisely non-partisan impartiality.
Her personal and professional interest is in asserting her leadership and the strength of the majority of the factions, essentially her political power, and has been enjoying the fat steaks of the gerrymandered elections for many years. You will not pull a mortar from a member. Do not give up your seats to the ideals of a truly representative republic.
In essence, Huffman and Cup are bipartisan over 71% of the electorate in Ohio, as long as it is a total ethical failure for both of them (and such failure is unfortunately very easy to predict). I couldn’t wait to accommodate my wishes. In 2015, I amended the state constitution to reform the state capitol constituency.
And the majority of the committee (Huffman, Larose, Farber, Vernon Sykes (and Dewin’s Lt. Governor John Hasted)) are all part of the plan that was eventually voted through by the electorate, and the “process” is pretty boring. is.
It was the plans that they made, the plans that they sold, and the plans that they adopted.
In view of the fierce opposition to the reform efforts of 2005 and 2012, the proposals of the supporters were rejected by the voters. So in 2014, state lawmakers and Republicans worked with supporters and Democrats on this reform, which was passed by voters the following year.
In 2018, when Keith Faber ran for his current position as state auditor, the Cincinnati Enquirer said he disliked the term “representative fairness” and cartographers were partisan equilibrium. He said the district should not be created for that purpose. ”
To be honest, give me Faber points. We couldn’t expect him to vote for a fair card.
That’s three out of five Republicans on the Ohio Re-election Commission who couldn’t expect Ohio voters to actually do anything.
Two Democrats, Vernon and Emilia Sykes, do not have the right to vote for Gerrymandering.
The Ohio Democratic Party’s political interest is on a good map. You get exact representatives of the democratic voters, even if these fair cards keep them in the minority factions. Not a little for Gerrymandering.
Gerrymandering is primordial poison, and all gerrymanderings, whether Ohio Republicans or Maryland Democrats, are sneaky, toxic, anti-democratic, and non-American.
The narrowing of the partisan division increases the chances of a political compromise and maximizes the number of competitive districts. These steer politicians towards more bipartisan and well-thought-out political solutions, as many elected officials have to compete for victory in the parliamentary elections.
Since all politics is about building and compromising coalitions (not everyone always has everything they need), supporters are the elected representatives of our collective desires and we want a just district because we actually want to reflect and express our gains. American Republic: In Abraham Lincoln’s construction, “People’s Government for the People”.
Gerrymandering encourages and motivates high-ranking government officials to only represent the boundaries of one political party.
So where is the possibility of compromise in order to implement the clear wishes of the majority of voters in non-partisan, fair and representative constituencies? Two votes remain, Governor Dewin and Foreign Minister Larose.
In 2011, Larose voted as the state senator for the Gerrymander-equipped district Ohio had for the past decade. These lines, today’s district, were laid out in the secret GOP hotel room “Bunker” in the Doubletree Downtown Columbus.
Last week, Larose voted again for Gerrymandering, Ohio, as Secretary of State and constituency change committee. This time is 4 years.
“I am voting” “with great concern,” Larose said last week.
When he applied for his current position in 2018, he said he had pierced his stomach for the 2011 vote.
LaRose co-wrote a national opinion article for NBC News in 2018 that said: Gerrymandering District is sending a message that winning the elections is more important than finding an effective political solution. ”
If LaRose sends messages, they have been received. This is a 14 year old fraudulent district line chosen by La Rose, but I think it’s very bad.
LaRose told everyone in the state in 2018 that we could trust them, but when the time came, at a crucial moment for the integrity of the Ohio government, he told us we had failed.
How about DeWine? During the 2018 gubernatorial campaign, he said: Voter wishes. ”
Dewin had a great opportunity to live up to his own expectations. It was also in his own best interest. He could have annulled it with the security of a pandemic and defeated the veto-free majority that had stripped him of power.
Instead, Dewin shrinks from this moment, claiming powerlessness and lamenting the lack of compromise. He was able to compromise, he was able to lead, and he wasn’t.
DeWine has voted. Frank Larose too. Instead of a 5 to 2 vote for Gerrymandering, it could have been a 4 to 3 bipartisan vote for a fair card. That is exactly what the voters wanted, a bipartisan and fair card.
DeWine and La Rose were able to vote for a representative card, but provided Ohio voters with a more fraudulent card.
Their actions scream much louder than their hollow words.
Originally published in the Ohio Capital Journal. Reprinted here with kind permission.
Source link Ohio GOP leader broke his promise and let us all down by creating more rig maps
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