New technology helps repair the Fairport house

FAIRPORT, NY – A house was split open in the storm we experienced this week.

A two-story colonial building in Fairport was hit by some large branches during Monday’s storm. Fortunately, the owner of the house, a 90 year old woman, was next door and was able to avoid injuries.

To save the house, Rock Environmental, a locally owned national company, uses a technology called Livy Wrap. This shrink wrap material waterproofs both the house and the exterior so repairs can be done safely.

Rock Environmental has been helping people in emergencies for years.

“It’s exciting in the sense that you can try to take some of the burdens off the homeowner, property owner, be it residential or commercial, to help them get through the process as smoothly as possible,” said Andrew Giveault, Founder von Livius Wrap, a partner at Rock Environmental, said.

Although locally based, Rock Environmental chases storms across the country, providing shelter from storm damage wherever it is needed.

The company expects the first phase of repairs to this home to be completed by Monday.

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